Friday, December 30, 2011

Saying Thank you to 2011

We take whatever piece of heaven we are given. Because the past 2 years, 2009 and 2010, have been quite challenging and downright difficult, I welcomed all the good things that 2011 brought. In the area of work and career, I have finally accepted my calling to work side-by-side with numbers. I should have known since I first fell in love with Geometry that I had the aptitude for logical thinking necessary for handling the big picture of cash management. I daresay I learned the skills along my treacherous career path and have found my niche. Perhaps, time-permitting, I may hone my skills further through certificate courses. But this is not a priority anymore.

I still long for the balance of family life and home-living, the other side of the scale that tends to be neglected like a middle child. There is much room for improvement in the coming year. I should minimize working extra hours on Saturdays. I should spend more time learning to cook some family recipes, such as adobo, kare-kare, menudo, chicken-in-beer, and all the Filipino dishes that are part of special occasions in our home. I know that new year's resolutions are always a sure fire way of setting oneself up for failure. So these are not resolutions like writing people more or calling my Other-Mom more often. No we will not call it that at all.

As for that piece of heaven, which tips the scale even further, I am closing my eventful year quite aptly in New York City. Away from work and still checking (and replying to) work emails while person-who-makes-me-smile is still sleeping in. No, things aren't meant to change overnight, and yet I'm happy just knowing that he is here on the same timezone, in the same city, standing on the same piece of heaven. Who can think of tomorrow when today is just as promising?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... the promise of a new day is all over, every side, every pixel of this post. :)
    and tomorrow holds the promise in such dear grasp!
